Relationship Issues
Do you find yourself feeling confused, dissatisfied or insecure in your relationships?
Do you ever wonder why your relationships end prematurely or why you are sabotaging something great?
Most of us want relationships in which we can communicate openly and effectively, feel secure and accepted, and allow our walls to come down without our “baggage” getting in the way. Having these kinds of ideal relationships are tough and even in the strongest of relationships, we sometimes struggle.
Whether you are single, dating, married, contemplating separation, monogamous or non-monogamous, having a good strong foundation and understanding of your needs is crucial.
Relationship counseling can help to address the things that get in the way of a healthy relationship such as:
Poor boundaries
Communication skills
Security and confidence in the relationship
Insecure Attachment behavior
Past relationship trauma
Sex and intimacy
Why work with a therapist on my relationships?
You might be hesitant about coming in to see a relationship therapist and wonder how talking to a stranger could help. After all, counseling is an investment of time, energy, and resources. It can be very helpful to work with an outside person who can both support you and help create insight through honestly addressing your stuck places. Often times, we are unaware of our relational patterns and unhealthy attachment styles which can impact our ability to connect. We strive to create a safe and accepting place where you are comfortable to share and be heard. Once this is accomplished, we work with individuals to help them learn skills to be more effective and understand their current relationship dynamics.
Do you work with non-traditional relationships?
I offer sex-positive, affirming therapy for Gender, Sexual and Relationship Diversity (GSRD) clients. I have lived experience being a member of the non-monogamous community for the past 9 years and has been providing clinical support to individuals with non-traditional relationships for 5 years. I know how exhausting it can be to feel like I need to ‘educate’ someone else on non-traditional relationship structures and please feel confident you won’t have to do any explaining to me.
I work with non-traditional and relationship issues such as:
Open relationships
Swinging lifestyles
For those who consider themselves in non-traditional relationships, or living outside the lines, I welcome you.